Sunday, January 10, 2010

The 8 Laws to Physical Success - Part 1

At the end of the day, we all want to achieve success on some level. In order to get the results you want, there are 8 laws that must be applied to your exercise program, nutrition, and overall lifestyle. By applying and adhering to these laws, you drastically increase your opportunity to be successful. These laws are not a recipe for a quick fix to your health and fitness shortcomings, but serve as the universal framework that will guide and empower you to reach levels you never thought imaginable. It’s time to shift your current way of thinking and adopt a mindset that does not accept complacency, mediocrity, conformity, or failure, but one that fosters confidence, success, triumph, and excellence. The 8 Laws of Physical Success will help you do just that. In no particular order here they are.

The 8 Laws to Physical Success are Priority, Motivation, Consistency, Intensity, Progression, Variety, Recovery, and Nutrition. Each law, when applied effectively, will enhance not only your overall health but will carry over into all aspects of your life.

Priority – The first step to being successful at something is to make it a priority in your life. One cannot achieve optimal health and fitness if it is something they do casually or without a true desire to get better. One must make a decision that they are committed to improving themselves and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to make it happen. Greatness is never achieved without the deliberate intent to change.

Motivation – There are many things that prompt us to take action, some extrinsic, some intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation, or motivation that comes from within, is far more powerful and sustainable than extrinsic motivation. Setting goals for yourself and the thought of achieving them can bring about excitement and desire that is unmatched by any prize or gift. Intrinsic motivation will allow one to persevere, overcome and sustain a desired lifestyle.

Consistency – I think Aristotle said it best with “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, it is a habit.” To achieve a high level of proficiency in any task, one must continually refine their skills and abilities. Leading a healthy lifestyle is no different, as this requires a conscious effort to manage one’s life to allow for regular exercise, healthy eating and adequate recovery.

Intensity – It is simply not enough to exercise on a daily basis. One must exercise at an intensity beyond their “comfort zone” in order to elicit an adaptation. Simply put, you have to exercise harder in order to improve your fitness level. For many, this is a key principle that is often overlooked in their exercise program.

In part 2, we'll discuss the last 4 laws as well as effective methods for applying each law into your daily life.

See you soon,

Isaac Payne

Pure Payne Strength and Conditioning Inc.

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