Monday, November 30, 2009

FEAR - Prisoners in Our Own Minds

Over the past few months, I've become more and more intrigued with the concept of success, what it means to me, and how to effectively go about achieving it. The more I research and interact with people, I realize that most of us seem to go through life somewhat passively or tend to be motivated by something other than the pursuit of our dreams. It seems that most of us go through life trying to stay "afloat" rather than working towards something that is meaningful to us. I guess this is somewhat understandable since most of us are in a position where we must fulfill numerous obligations before we can even begin to allocate time or energy to our own personal development. Going to work, paying the bills, and taking care of our families are just some of the duties most of us are familiar with. What I've come to realize though is that most of us, myself included, let our emotions control how live our lives. It seems that there is one emotion in particular that tends to dictate the path we take - FEAR! Fear - an emotional response to a perceived threat. An uneasy feeling that something may happen contrary to one's desires.

All you have to do is turn on the TV and you'll be bombarded with messages that invoke fear. The "lethal" H1N1 virus will spread to epidemic proportions unless we get our vaccinations. The war in the middle east is necessary for our own protection. Tax increases are better for the community and country at large. What am I- a politician or a strength coach? What does all of this have to do with fitness? I guess this blog is about more than just burning fat and building muscle but how to live life to the fullest and not be prisoners in our own minds. Fear cripples the human spirit. Fear destroys ambition. Fear keeps us in debt. Fear keeps us fat. Fear keeps us on the path to mediocrity. Lululemon founder, Chip Wilson said it best with his opinion about mediocrity. "Mediocrity can be defined by: if someone was to ask you “how are you?” you would reply “fine”. Mediocrity is doing an “ok job”, having a relationship that “works”, being just a “little” overweight, having a job that “pays the bills” etc.. Mediocrity is putting up with things the way they are with no firm plan to change the situation by a specific date. Mediocrity is following a predetermined and unfulfilling path. Most people live in a state of mediocrity. Mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is the top."

This may sound cynical but it's true. Most of us go through life with no real passion or vision and those of us that do, only a small percentage are actually on the path to realizing our dreams. At the end of the day, we have to take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are on pace to achieve what we want out of live and if not, why? The Biggest Loser is a perfect example of a group of people that made the decision to change the way they live their lives. Despite some questionable exercise selection, they have put themselves in a position to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. The reality is, there are no losers. Every contestant has achieved a moral victory simply by taking that first step. Have you taken your step? Where do you want to be 1 year from now? 5 years? 10 years? Are you on the right path or are you living in the shackles of fear? I've made a conscious effort from this point on to get out of prison by doing at least one thing each day that will help me to achieve the life that I truly want. Are you ready to make a prison break?

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