Sunday, May 2, 2010

PURE PAYNE'S 10 Nutritional Commandments - Part 1

To reach your full potential with an effective functional exercise program, your nutritional intake must become an integral part of the whole process. The types of foods you eat as well as when you eat them are key to recovery and regeneration after exercise, providing energy throughout the day and prior to exercise, as well as overall health and vitality. Developing good nutritional habits doesn’t have to be difficult if you start by following a few simple guidelines. Pure Payne’s Nutritional Commandments can serve as a basic philosophy to guide you in your food choices.

1. Eat a balanced diet
– Aim to consume an ideal proportion of carbohydrates (40%), proteins (30%), and fats (30%) on a daily basis. Try to eat each meal in these proportions to regulate blood sugar levels and properly fuel the body prior to and after exercise. Aim to consume carbohydrates from unrefined sources such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Choose high quality proteins such seafood, chicken, beans and lean cuts of red meat. Fats should be consumed from primarily unsaturated sources such as nuts, olive oil, as well as fish and seafood.

2. Jumpstart your day with a good breakfast – It’s true what they say… Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Always try to get the day started off right with a nutritious and balanced meal, as this will provide your mind and body with the energy it needs. Skipping breakfast can cause the body to go into a state of starvation that slows the metabolism making it more difficult to burn fat. Never deprive your body of nutrients when it needs them. Organic oatmeal with fresh berries or a protein smoothie is a great way to start your day.

3. Water, Water, Water – The fact that water makes up over 80% of your total body composition, makes it the most important nutrient you can consume. Proper metabolic function and regulation of appetite and body temperature are a few of the main purposes this fluid serves. Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to detoxify the body allowing one to burn fat more efficiently. Aim to drink at least 8 tall glasses a day and even more on days when you are exercising. As opposed to coffee, soda, and fruit juices, let water be your main beverage of choice on a daily basis. Try to carry a water bottle with you so you can sip periodically throughout the day.

4. Consume protein with every meal – This not only helps to keep the diet balanced, but also helps to maintain strong bones and joints, enhance recovery after exercise, and helps to regulate hunger and blood sugar levels throughout the day. Nuts, lean meats, seafood, and protein supplements are great choices.

5. Eat raw, whole foods whenever possible – To increase shelf life and production volume, numerous types of foods are processed or refined. This reduces the nutritional value of the food and can be quite toxic to the body. When making food choices, think of the way life used to be 100 years ago and consume raw, whole, and natural sources. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meats, beans and lentils should serve as the foundation of your food choices. Avoid foods that come in a box or can as they usually contain large amounts of preservatives, additives, and artificial flavoring.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 8 Laws to Physical Success - Part 2

Progression – Along the path to success, one will continually make improvements and it is imperative that one is continually challenged to avoid plateaus, boredom, or worst of all dropping out altogether. At Pure Payne, you’ll continue to be challenged and motivated to reach higher and higher levels.

Variety – Truly the spice of life. Periodic change in one’s exercise program and food choices can make a world of difference in their pursuit for excellence. Variety keeps the mind and body continually guessing and adapting making it virtually impossible to reach a plateau.

Recovery – Often overlooked, but fundamental to optimal health and wellness, recovery allows the body to reach new levels by rebuilding itself stronger and more resistant to stressors. One’s ability to exercise and perform is highly dependent on their ability to recover. Proper nutrition and plenty of rest are key components to the recovery process.

– There seems to be common misconception out there that one can eat whatever they like as long as they’re exercising- NOT TRUE! In order to achieve optimal health and performance, you have to fuel your body with the appropriate nutrients at the appropriate time. Regardless of your goals, well balanced nutritional intake is fundamental to your success.

It is through the 8 Laws of Physical Success that Pure Payne will assist you in your path to optimal health and performance. Unlike traditional health clubs, we take pride in your continual improvement and embrace every opportunity to help you reach your goals. We believe that we must be the change we want to see in this industry by educating and empowering our clients one at a time. Though this, we will redefine what health and fitness should and can be. The journey starts here.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The 8 Laws to Physical Success - Part 1

At the end of the day, we all want to achieve success on some level. In order to get the results you want, there are 8 laws that must be applied to your exercise program, nutrition, and overall lifestyle. By applying and adhering to these laws, you drastically increase your opportunity to be successful. These laws are not a recipe for a quick fix to your health and fitness shortcomings, but serve as the universal framework that will guide and empower you to reach levels you never thought imaginable. It’s time to shift your current way of thinking and adopt a mindset that does not accept complacency, mediocrity, conformity, or failure, but one that fosters confidence, success, triumph, and excellence. The 8 Laws of Physical Success will help you do just that. In no particular order here they are.

The 8 Laws to Physical Success are Priority, Motivation, Consistency, Intensity, Progression, Variety, Recovery, and Nutrition. Each law, when applied effectively, will enhance not only your overall health but will carry over into all aspects of your life.

Priority – The first step to being successful at something is to make it a priority in your life. One cannot achieve optimal health and fitness if it is something they do casually or without a true desire to get better. One must make a decision that they are committed to improving themselves and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to make it happen. Greatness is never achieved without the deliberate intent to change.

Motivation – There are many things that prompt us to take action, some extrinsic, some intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation, or motivation that comes from within, is far more powerful and sustainable than extrinsic motivation. Setting goals for yourself and the thought of achieving them can bring about excitement and desire that is unmatched by any prize or gift. Intrinsic motivation will allow one to persevere, overcome and sustain a desired lifestyle.

Consistency – I think Aristotle said it best with “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, it is a habit.” To achieve a high level of proficiency in any task, one must continually refine their skills and abilities. Leading a healthy lifestyle is no different, as this requires a conscious effort to manage one’s life to allow for regular exercise, healthy eating and adequate recovery.

Intensity – It is simply not enough to exercise on a daily basis. One must exercise at an intensity beyond their “comfort zone” in order to elicit an adaptation. Simply put, you have to exercise harder in order to improve your fitness level. For many, this is a key principle that is often overlooked in their exercise program.

In part 2, we'll discuss the last 4 laws as well as effective methods for applying each law into your daily life.

See you soon,

Isaac Payne

Pure Payne Strength and Conditioning Inc.