Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 8 Laws to Physical Success - Part 2

Progression – Along the path to success, one will continually make improvements and it is imperative that one is continually challenged to avoid plateaus, boredom, or worst of all dropping out altogether. At Pure Payne, you’ll continue to be challenged and motivated to reach higher and higher levels.

Variety – Truly the spice of life. Periodic change in one’s exercise program and food choices can make a world of difference in their pursuit for excellence. Variety keeps the mind and body continually guessing and adapting making it virtually impossible to reach a plateau.

Recovery – Often overlooked, but fundamental to optimal health and wellness, recovery allows the body to reach new levels by rebuilding itself stronger and more resistant to stressors. One’s ability to exercise and perform is highly dependent on their ability to recover. Proper nutrition and plenty of rest are key components to the recovery process.

– There seems to be common misconception out there that one can eat whatever they like as long as they’re exercising- NOT TRUE! In order to achieve optimal health and performance, you have to fuel your body with the appropriate nutrients at the appropriate time. Regardless of your goals, well balanced nutritional intake is fundamental to your success.

It is through the 8 Laws of Physical Success that Pure Payne will assist you in your path to optimal health and performance. Unlike traditional health clubs, we take pride in your continual improvement and embrace every opportunity to help you reach your goals. We believe that we must be the change we want to see in this industry by educating and empowering our clients one at a time. Though this, we will redefine what health and fitness should and can be. The journey starts here.